
University Life 1

Last Saturday, I had a wonderful evening because my friend Xiang invited me to her birthday party. There were nine people at the party; two boys who come from Canada, three people who come from Korea, and the rest of the people, who come from China. All the people at the party were very friendly and outgoing; therefore, I made many new friends. We chatted about our experiences and dreams, and I really enjoyed the time. All the people talked about their ages, hobbies and majors. Most of us study or want to study business for different reasons. One Korean girl, who studies in the University of Toronto, made an impression on me because we both love fashion design, and we have similar tastes in music. Moreover, she is a hard-working student. She prepared for and passed the TOEFL test by herself in two monthes. I hope we can become great friends. After dinner, all the friends danced and sang together, and we were very happy. I am sure that coming to this party was a fantastic experience for me because it not only gave me a chance to meet many new friends, but also to make my university life more rich and colorful. In addition, this party also gave me a chance to speak with native speakers and friends rom other countries. I could practice and improve my speaking and listening skills by talking with them. In the future, I hope I can take part in more useful and enjoyable activities.

1 条评论:

Don 说...

I think it is always possible to prepare for and pass the TOEFL in two months, if you are organized and practice every day . . .

--but then the TOEFL is also a test that is aimed at general academic skills, and not so much on business. It might be interesting, if you are someone interested in business, to look at the business test, the GMAT. That's not an English test, and it's for people who are applying to graduate, MBA programs, but the test is easy to find, and it could be interesting to look at the questions and figure out what kind of knowledge, besides English, they want you to have.

Making the right kinds of friends can make a huge difference -- in everything!