
Mourning for the victim

University Life 2

At 2: 28 p.m. on May 12th, 2008, a strong earthquake, which measured 8.0 on the Richter scale, suddenly struck Sichuan province in southwestern China. This is the deadliest earthquake on the Chinese mainland since the 1976 Tang Shan earthquake that claimed 249,419 lives. Up to now, the Sichuan earthquake has left 55,239 people dead and 274,683 people injured. Moreover, at least 15.61 million buildings have been damaged by the earthquake including 3.13 million that have collapsed. After the earthquake, many Chinese people spontaneously went to Sichuan province to succor the victims and donate money and blood to the victims.

Last Friday, the Chinese Embassy in Canada also held an activity to mourn the people who died in the earthquake, and donate money to the disaster area. As a Chinese, I attended this activity. There were almost 200 people in the activity, and most of them were overseas students. We all wore the yellow silk ribbon. The activity started at 8 p.m. At first, all the people held candles and stood in front of the embassy, and the consul read a memorial speech. Many people cried. Then, we prayed for the victims and sang the national anthem together. After that, we donated money to the disaster area; all my friends donated 20 dollars. Also, people from many other countries donated money. At last, we put our candles in a shape like a heart, and stood in silent tribute around the candles.

I think this was a very beneficial activity. The 8.0-magnitude earthquake alarmed the world. The victims’ destinies also affected the 1300 million Chinese people’s heart. Whenever I see the pictures of the disaster area and victims I cry because in this earthquake many people died, and most of them were children. They can not see their family members again. Moreover, although many people did not lose their lives, they lost their family members. As overseas students, even though we can not go to the disaster area to help the victims, we can pray for them and donate money to help them. It has been said that “whenever we face disaster, unity is strength.” Therefore, I believe that any difficulties are temporary, and any disaster can be overcome.

3 条评论:

Don 说...

It is certainly a horrifying event, and we should all do as much as we can to help.

As you write about the earthquake and the embassy event, I notice that you have found a proverb to end your post with. I have heard that this is rather a traditional Chinese thing to do, as a style of essay-writing. Perhaps there are four characters that say this proverb; thus, the task is also to illuminate the proverb, to give it its full power, through saying it at the right moment and in the right context. And I think that it is therefore especially appropriate for your topic.

Let us hope that all people remember the proverb, and take it to heart.

Blake 说...

im sorry to here that and i think they still could not recover. i already contribute amount of money.
hope to see your country be recovered soon

ling 说...

i believe that they will be tougher after this disaster..